1. Why should I work with a designer?

A designer can help you identify goals and uses for your landscape, choose a style of garden that complements your home’s architecture, and solve problems that your property may have. A designer can help you select the most appropriate materials and plants for your site, and find the best people in the landscape industry to work with. By spending the time to work through the details of a design, you will save money during the installation phase (it’s better to change your mind on paper than after something has been installed!). Through sketches, preliminary plans, and budget estimates, you can see what your landscape will look like and make informed decisions about the process. A designer can also provide quality control on a project during installation.

2. How much do you charge to do a design?

My fees are based on time and materials—you pay only for what your project requires. Typically, fees for suburban properties will range from $2,000 and up. See Services for more details on the process.

3. How long does it take to get a design?

A simple project could take a few days and a complex one several months. One of the biggest factors is how frequently you can meet and how involved you want to be in the design process. If you have a special event coming up that you want the garden to be ready for, let me know and I can work with you to meet your deadline.

4. What if I don’t like something you suggest?

My first role is to listen to what you want. I then develop a plan to achieve that vision. I often make a variety of suggestions and draw up several different versions of an idea. The goal is to find the best solution—and that means throwing out ideas. The process is collaborative. I don’t have a single “look” that I impose on clients.

5. What happens when the design is ready to be installed?

I can help you locate a single landscape contractor or a team of specialty contractors (if the design involves complex elements). I can help you evaluate bids and negotiate details, if needed. I will meet with the contractor to review the design, and walk the site to answer any questions. I also am available during the installation process for specific questions. In some cases, my clients prefer that I handle the installation fully, and in that case, I prepare an additional bid to serve as your liaison on the project.

6. What happens after a design is finished and installed?

As your designer, I am happy to remain on call for questions that may arise about specific plants or features of a new landscape as it settles in. For most clients, a landscape is a major investment, and one that they want to develop and extend over time. Landscapes are also dynamic and ever changing (as are my clients’ lives). I am happy to provide follow-up consultations, help clients select and purchase individual plants to add to their landscape, or assist in the case of a real estate sale or purchase. I view each design as the beginning of a long-term relationship, one that builds and deepens over time.

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