
The designer in her own garden

I approach design as a collaborative process — one that develops from your vision and needs, the story of your site, and the skills and artistry of the people whose work will bring your vision to life. I have no single “style,” though I strongly believe in finding the most sustainable solutions to problems because they are also elegant solutions.

I look for opportunities to recycle materials, use native plants, and create gardens that retain their beauty with a minimum of maintenance: an etched piece of glass leftover in a garden, when reframed, becomes a door to a garden room; native California plants blend into a Japanese style garden, making it more drought resistant; recycled redwood adds age and complexity to a new garden arbor.

The vision and the plan are only as good as the installation. I seek out the most talented landscaping contractors, woodworkers, metalworkers, sculptors, specialty nurseries, arborists, and other experts. These are individuals and businesses that not only do consistent quality work, but are also a pleasure to work with. And my clients will tell you so.

The best part of my work is sharing my passion for the natural world with others. My favorite compliment from a client was “I love the garden, but miss working with you on the planning!” Fortunately, I find that my clients stay in touch. Gardens are dynamic, evolving systems, and they become the basis for ongoing discussions, consultations, and shared appreciation.

Susan Wyche
Green Perspectives

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